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Practical Life Lessons: Greeting Someone

The purpose of Montessori education is guiding the child on their journey to independence.

The foundation of this journey lies in the Montessori practical life curriculum. 

Montessori Practical Life engages children with real life experiences using specific lessons to teach them the steps to take, skills needed, and materials to use for the child to be able to "do it myself." 

The curriculum is organized into 4 different categories:

Control of Movement

Care of Environment

Care of Self

Grace and Courtesy

montessori practical life lessons

Today, we are going to spotlight a lesson included in the Grace and Courtesy curriculum:  Greeting a Guest

The Montessori guide (a..k.a. "teacher") presents the lesson by extending an invitation to the child.

1. Invite the child to learn how to greet a guest, "I would like to show you how to greet someone."

2.  Face the child and look them in the eyes (using direct eye contact - in a friendly manner).

3. Say, "Hi (or Hello/Good Morning/Good Afternoon/), how are you?"

4. Ask the child to repeat the words back to you.

5. When the child replies, state "I am very well, thank you."

6. If you have more than one child present, they can practice greeting each other.

7. Have the child/children practice greeting someone daily (or frequently).  

    Use variations and extensions by providing different scenarios after the child has mastered
    the basic greeting. For example:

    a. Learn how to greet someone you do not know (how to introduce yourself and ask for their

    b. Learn how to greet someone that you cannot remember their name. This would include
        how to politely ask for their name again.

    c. Learn about formal and informal greetings and when to use them (friends versus adults,

    d. Learn how to introduce people to each other.

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